What is an RSS Feed and How Do You Subscribe?
If you’d like to know when there has been a new post on this blog but you don’t want to keep going back to see if there have been any updates, you can subscribe to the blog. To subscribe to my blog, click on the orange feed icon that appears over to the left under the word “subscribe.” That will put my blog in your feed reader each time my blog is updated. A feed reader is a program that monitors the sites you designate and lets you know when they have new content. Google and Internet Explorer have built-in feed readers. Or you can get one by clicking on any of the options that appear in the “subscribe” area to the left. Here are some sites that explain feeds in greater detail:
What is RSS and How to You Use It?
How to subscribe to RSS Feeds:
Everything you need to know about RSS:
What you need to know about feeds: