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Facts About Eggs

Every once in a while I like to write about something other than oil and gas. I got these interesting facts about eggs from a friend.

  • The color of eggshells is solely dependent upon the breed of the chicken providing the eggs.  There is no difference in taste imparted by the color of the shell.
  • The “sell by” date specified on the packaging or eggshell itself is not an expiration date.  The eggs should be good for another 3 -5 weeks after the sell by date.  If you are unsure if the egg is good to eat, place it in some water in a glass.  If the egg remains at the bottom of the water, it is good to go.  If the egg inverts to a vertical position, eat that sucker now because it is just about over the hill.  If the egg rises to the top of the water and floats, chuck that thing.
  • Real fresh eggs are not the best for boiling; eggs with a little time on them are best for boiling.
  • Eggs should be cracked on a flat surface, not the edge of the bowl, to prevent egg shards from getting into the bowl.  If you do get a piece of shell in the bowl, wet a finger to retrieve it rather than chasing it around with a spoon or fork.
  • Salmonella occurs in only about 1 in 30,000 eggs and it doesn’t matter if your eggs are organic, Kosher, cage free, free range, natural, whatever, they all present the same possibility of the presence of salmonella.
  • The level of cholesterol in eggs is negligible and an egg contains only 1.5 g saturated fat and no trans fat.  And, of course, they have lots of vitamins and minerals.
  • It’s OK to season eggs before they are cooked because salt doesn’t break down the structure.
  • Scrambled eggs can be made in the microwave.  Scramble the eggs in a microwave compatible dish, heat on high for 45 seconds.  Stir.  Heat for another 45 seconds.
  • Adding milk, cream or even crème fraiche to eggs prior to cooking is not detrimental.  It actually helps by making the eggs creamier.

Here is my recipe for the best scrambled eggs:

Whip two tablespoons of yogurt (unflavored) and one-fourth teaspoon of baking powder with three eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Cut one tablespoon of butter into very small squares and add to the eggs. Melt another tablespoon of butter into your pan.

When butter in pan is melted, add the egg mixture. As it cooks, fold the eggs from outside to center with a spatula until just done – not quite runny.


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