Dallas attorney Windle Turley has filed three lawsuits in federal court in Dallas on behalf of landowners alleging contamination of their groundwater by Barnett Shale Wells: one on behalf of Jim and Linda Scoma of Johnson County, against Chesapeake, filed last June; one on behalf of Doug and Diana Harris, against Devon Energy, and one on behalf of Grace Mitchell against Chesapeake and Encana. The suits contend that plaintiffs’ groundwater has been contaminated by drilling and hydraulic fracturing operations. A copy of the Harrises’ suit can be viewed here. Turley says more such suits will follow. Turley’s website has a page dedicated to such suits, which says that, “when hydro-fracking occurs, it is possible for the property owner’s groundwater to become contaminated and/or for gases to be forced into the groundwater. When this happens, the oil company may be liable to the property owner for property damages and injuries. … The Turley Law Firm is very concerned over the damage done and future risk to property and individuals in the Barnett Shale area, and is filing damage suits on behalf of property owners.” Groundwater contamination lawsuits may become new fertile ground for plaintiffs’ attorneys.
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